Oh i miss my foster babies soooooo much! I wish fostering had time limits but well, we all know that sometimes our temporary foster cases become almost permanent. Those long-term foster furbabies become just as precious and loved as our own darling pets. When they are adopted it feels like someone is taking away your pet! It's impossible to differentiate between the bond we share with our own and the bond we share with our longtime fosters..
Luckytoes Midnight joined my foster family before halloween last year. Conan joined us in April last year. They are definitely the record holders here for longest temporary foster furbabies EVER! They went to their new forever home in Cameron Highlands on Saturday the 19th of June 2010. I didn't report the move earlier because I wanted to see if it went well first.. I've had regular progress reports from their adopter. They had a shaky start. They were very scared, wouldn't eat. But finally after almost 2 weeks in their new home, I've had an excellent progress report! They're chowing down like never before, sleeping like the lazy pigs they are, playing and being sweet.
Congratulations to their adopter S, who took a chance on two fearful kitties and taught them how to trust her. Well done young lady!
But omg do i miss them sooooo much. I have shed sooo many tears for them and really piled on the drama. I miss their silly faces and goofy antics. I should add though, that all of you don't have to worry about molly missing conan.. she hasn't seemed to notice that he's gone.. thank god for that.
(Almost) Wordless Dakota
19 hours ago