Three legs, but a full spirit.
And pet cat in tow.
Molly Sue is a darling dog born on the streets of Cheras. Though she has lost her left hind leg (how will remain a mystery), the only thing she can’t do that every other dog can is scratch the left side of her body. This job she joyously turns over to the people around her.
But when I first started fostering Molly, she was a fearful, sad puppy. She didn’t trust anyone – her eyes were always on the ground and her tail between her legs. The stump of her little half-leg was scabby and bloody from being dragged on asphalt and concrete all the time. She wouldn’t respond to me or even move, paralysed with fear. She did however, seem mildly interested in her roommate, 6-week-old kitten Conan.
So I took little Conan out of his fostering cage and put him next to Molly. VOILA! Molly's tail started to wag, a spark came into her lifeless eyes and she stood up! She sniffed him and licked him and nuzzled his tiny ears then followed him around the room occasionally butting him with her nose. Since then they have become inseparable. Conan has changed Molly's life. He brought her out of her shell. Molly has improved by leaps and bounds since her friendship with Conan began. That little rascal helped boost her confidence and showed her it was ok to let her guard down and allow herself to love and be loved.
She lives a perfectly normal life. Now almost a year old, she loves to run around with her toys and even knows to shake paws to ask for treats. She has mastered the art of dashing up and down the stairs on three legs and can easily jump up onto beds and sofas for her naps. Conan loves people and can’t resist a warm lap. I can’t sit down anywhere in the house without having him crawl onto my lap for a nap and cuddle.
It has now been 8 months since I started fostering Molly and Conan and I still hope to find them a home together. I love them but have 2 other dogs and 5 cats of my own to provide for. Molly loves her little cat and separating them would be another injury to her fragile soul.
Molly is purely an indoor dog because we are afraid that rough surfaces outdoors can injure her stump and break the skin, allowing bacteria to enter and cause infection. Living indoors has allowed the stump to heal and it no longer bleeds. We have paper-trained her to adjust to this lifestyle. Can anyone of you open your heart and home to Molly and Conan? They’re a little shy in the beginning but once they’ve adjusted, you’ll have two friends for life. Please email or call me at 0122917213 if you want to share your life with them.
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