I would think that nowadays it isn't easy to shock animal welfare people anymore. The stories and images of atrocities that assail us everyday become one big nightmare and individual cases of animal suffering may not necessarily stand out but today I actually saw a photo that made me gasp out loud, it was so unexpected and so unusual in its cruelty. I was chilled to my very core, still am. You know, I had hoped that we were coming to a point in Malaysia where animal welfare might be improving. That whole public uproar here after the various cruelty cases this year led to the petition addressed to the prime minister and efforts to make changes in legislation regarding animal abuse such as harsher punishments, longer prison terms, large fines etc.. Personally I think the punishment for animal abuse should be flogging. I thought surely, all that coverage would lead to more awareness and maybe more compassion. But of course there will always be some sick ass disgusting human beings with no regard for life, no empathy, people who enjoy inflicting pain on creatures that are unable to stand up for themselves or speak up in their own defense. Oh how i wish so much with all my heart that all these people would just fuck off and die. I am so tired. I'm so sick of all the pain and suffering in this world. Humans cause all this shit you know. Humans are the only animal that deliberately cause pain. Can't blame instinct, can't blame survival of the fittest, can't blame evolution. Even with the ability to reason, and to have a sense of self and a conscience, lots of humans have CHOSEN to be a virus on this earth. I hope all these people die slow horrible painful deaths. Read on below and see why I am so angry today. I've just read Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better's latest blogpost and I am very discouraged. All the rescuing and fostering that animal people do will never EVER eradicate all the shitty people out there. Animals will continue to suffer no matter what we do. I want to do horrible things to the person that cut off this poor dog's nose. Oh and the poor dog's previous 'owners' totally suck as well. They no longer want the dog. What the fucking fuck right??? You let your dog run around unattended and then some sick bastard cuts off your dog's nose and then you don't want the dog anymore? FUCK YOU!
I took the post below from
http://malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com/2011/07/evil-human-who-cut-off-this-dogs-nose.htmlWednesday, July 20, 2011
The evil human who cut off this dog's nose will rot in hell
Healthy and fat dog
Nose being held by a piece of skin

We received a call from a tearful young woman this morning saying that one of the dogs she feeds in her neighbourhood in Semenyih had had its nose looped off. The young lady Ain, who is pregnant, begged us to rescue the dog and said she was exhausted from crying after seeing its condition. She said the dog's mother was also agitated upon seeing her daughter in such a condition and was howling non-stop. Apparently both dogs were not strays but allowed to wander around by their owner who were not at home when the incident happened. We informed Reco and Mikheala who immediately went to the place but the petrified dog had run off. However the dog returned home after its owners came back and Reco and Mikheale immediately rushed to the place and brought the injured dog to our panel clinic in Subang Jaya. The owner does not want it back. Our vet spoke to us about the dogs and advised us to put it to sleep because it will no longer have a nose. The nose has been completely looped off and was hanging by a shred of skin. He said he had carried our surgeries whereby noses were removed on dogs that suffered from cancer. However, he said there will be underlying issues such as possible infection of the nose. We have had a discussion with MDDB's core people such as Irene, Rena and Christine as well as our good friend Animalcare's Dr Chan Kah Yein who all opined that the dog should be given a chance to live as it is young and physically fit. Christine had also called a vet she knows and he apparently felt that a dog can live without its nose. So, its now being treated at the clinic and we'll pray very hard that some good Samaritan would care to give it home. Now back to the @%#@^%#!#@% who looped of the dog's nose - we are shocked that more and more Malaysians are becoming so cruel and bloodthirsty. If someone can do this to an animal, he is capable of doing worst things to a fellow human being who can fight back. We are curious as we want to see for ourselves who this retard is - so we will be going to Semenyih tomorrow to find out what motivated such an act of cruelty.
Posted by Sharmini Popiko Sasha at 1:53 AM