Then, let's remember all the animals that we tried to save but couldn't.. and those that need help everyday but help does not find them. Think of the ones that have suffered, starved, and died of neglect and abuse. There are the ones we know of, and worse, the ones that have suffered and died silently without anyone every knowing or reaching out a helping and compassionate hand. Remember always to do what you can to help those that can't help themselves. There is so much pain, fear, and loneliness in the world. It's our responsibility to try and alleviate that suffering.
Finally, my foster animals that have died. I always, always tried to help all of you. Every death has been heartbreaking and I will never forget a single one of you.
Socks, Moo, Charlie, Ruffles the pigeon, Crusty, Holly, Kirby, Gia, Mortimer, Manfred, Seymour, and last but not least, my angel dog and co-pilot Molly Sue. Yes, she's dead and no I don't want to talk about it. Please don't ask me about her.
At SPCA Selangor's World Animal Day event this Sunday, please light a candle for the souls that I failed to save.