hola gente, mis amigos, y awesome followers!
i know i've been bad. sorry just haven't had much to report. i have not rescued any furkids since little boo was adopted. not because i don't want to, but because i haven't come across any furkids that need my help. their absence is both disconcerting and comforting; part of me would like to think that there are less unspayed animals breeding uncontrollably in the dangerous streets and producing more unfortunate strays. another part of me worries that they have all been snatched up by city council pound workers. we know what happens to innocents there. check my previous posts about the local pounds if you don't. also i have lost some of my drive.... sorry but its true.. since i lost my molly i have not been able to bring myself to rejoin the animal welfare community. hope you are all well though and thank you for following! will update once i've rescued another unfortunate tyke.
(Almost) Wordless Dakota
11 hours ago